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4 Tips for Launching Your Business in Another State

If you’re considering the expansion of your business to another state, congratulations! This means your business is thriving and you’re about to embark on an exciting new journey. Despite all the excitement or fear that come with expanding a business, it’s important to consider the legal requirements as well.

Table of Contents

1. Register With ASIC

Regardless of which state you are operating business in, all companies must be registered under ASIC. Since you already have an existing business, expanding to another state doesn’t require too much paperwork. However, if you are new to starting a business, there are many legal documents to tick off before beginning, have a read here. We also recommend contacting one of our business lawyers to ensure you meet all legal requirements.

2. Know Your Demographic

Although expanding to a different state isn’t as drastic as expanding to another country, there can still be extreme cultural differences. It’s important to note your target audience, and whether that shifts when you change states. Even within NSW, there are vast differences in socio-demographics, and cultures that populate a particular area more densely.

Therefore, it’s good to familiarise yourself with the demographics of your intended location of expansion. The Australian Bureau of Statistics Website has data that is free to access. It is also helpful to use an existing company as a case study to observe what strategies they used that may have contributed to their success.

3. Familiarise Yourself With Local and State Regulations

The purchase and sale of commercial property in Australia is facilitated by each state, so it’s important to be aware of what regulations apply to you. The regulatory requirements of each state can be found here.

Different councils may have restrictions on the number of certain businesses in a local area. Certain restrictions may also exist in states, such as lockout laws in NSW. It’s also important to be aware of different taxes in every state, which can be found here. Ultimately, different states have different jurisdictions, so it’s important that no legal requirements are breached unintentionally. We reccommend consulting one of our business lawyers today.

4. State Support

Fortunately, the Australian government recognises that most small businesses struggle to boom. Consequently, many different states have their own schemes to assist startups. Have a browse of what your state may be offering. NSW offers numerous grants of a few thousand to help the launch of small businesses.

Unsure where to start? Contact a LawPath consultant on 1800 529 728 to learn more about customising legal documents and obtaining a fixed-fee quote from Australia’s largest legal marketplace.

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