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A Shifted Focus to Well-being in the Workplace

“As Aussies, we love to travel but often the pressure of work and life can stop us taking as many holidays as we’d like,” Expedia travel expert, Kelly Cull said.

Well this hasn’t stopped Aussies from creating the most significant shift in annual leave. Reports have found that Australian employees have taken the most time off work in seven years in 2015 and it’s an encouraging sight.

Expedia Vacation Deprivation Survey

The 15th annual Expedia Vacation Deprivation survey found Australian took an average of 18 of their 20 annual leave days last year, up from just 15 in 2014. This survey was in line with 89% of Australians stating that health and well-being are key drivers for the added importance of regular holidays. Moreover, 91% Australians believe that holidays had a positive influence on overall happiness.

The survey additionally found that half of Australians preferred multiple getaways rather than one long holiday, preferred by 35%, while the rest were happy taking care of local errands.

The Urge is Strong

The Expedia survey went on to discover that 42% of Australians completely disregard work when on holiday by not checking their emails or voicemails at all. With the rest checking email and voicemail once or twice during the week.

These promising figures are in line with a recent survey of 1,500 managers that found most were putting in an extra 29 days a year, cancelling out their annual leave. The Expedia survey illustrates individual lifestyles that do hold a work/life balance as a priority, an effort that attempts to circumvent the prevalent ‘always on’ culture.

Let us know your thoughts on the increased awareness of well-being in the workplace by tagging us #lawpath or @lawpath.

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