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How To Become A Roofing Contractor

Becoming a roofing contractor in Australia’s construction business can be a great opportunity for a business, with the potential for a large amount of growth. However, There are various steps and requirements that you must fulfil in order to become a roofing contractor.

Anyone who is interested in becoming a roofing contractor needs to get licensed and certified in order to legally provide contracting services to the public within Australia. Below are some considerations and steps that you can take on your journey to becoming a roofing contractor.

You can also check out our online guide for more lucrative business ideas.

How to Become a Roofing Contractor:

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1. Qualifications

You will also need to complete and attain a certified contracting course by the Commissioner of Vocational Training. Once you attain this certificate, it will ensure that you are entitled to work as a contractor and that you possess all the skills to satisfy the competency expected by Australian national standards. Vast experience in roofing is required to ensure that you receive this qualification.

2. Acquiring Licenses

Firstly, you will need to acquire a licence that allows you to operate as an individual that intends to contract, sub-contract and / or advertise to carry out residential building or trade work. This license is known as a contractor license. The license is a requirement for roof contractors where the market cost for potential jobs as a result of creating the company is more than the acceptable amount that does not require a contracting license. There are also other licenses that are more catered and specific to certain types of roof contracting.

Examples of these licenses include; roof plumbing, roof slating, roof tilting, a Qualified Supervisor Certificate and a Builder Works contractor’s license. These extra licenses and qualifications will allow you to do more with your contracting company and enhance your ability to supervise the operation, ensuring that your company is running as smoothly as possible.

There are a variety of requirements to be eligible to receive a contractors license.
Here are some of the requirements to be eligible for this type if licence:

  • be at least 18 years of age;
  • be considered a fit and proper person for the purposes of the licence;
  • not be of mental incapacitation;
  • not be disqualified from holding an authority under the relevant legislation;
  • have the necessary qualifications and practical experience as specified by the Authority;
  • not hold any authority which is currently suspended or have had an unreasonable number of complaints, penalties or cautions against you;
  • not be a current apprentice or trainee;
  • pay any required fees.

3. Business Registration

On top of the various licenses that you will need to become a roofing contractor, you will also need to register your business. Every roofing contractor business needs to acquire an ABN (Australian Business Number) and be eligible to register under the Australian Business Register. Later down the track, once your business established you may also consider company registration.

4. Insurance

A roof contracting company is also legally required to have insurance before a license can be issued in order to provide such services. Examples of the insurance that will be needed to run a roofing contract company include; public liability insurance, indemnity insurance and work cover. These types of insurance will help ensure that any accidents, injuries or other workplace ramifications are covered financially and will also ensure a safer workplace.


If you are looking to start a roof contracting business, here is an idea of how to get started. LawPath has Business Lawyers to help you start your business provide expert advice on every facet of your business.

Contact a LawPath consultant on 1800 529 728 to learn more about customising legal documents, obtaining a fixed-fee quote from Australia’s largest legal marketplace or to get answers to your legal questions.

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