Checking the availability of your proposed company name is essential when registering your company. This guide will show you how to check the availability of your desired company name and provide hints to ensure your name is registrable.
Company Name Considerations
Before you choose and commit to your company name, it is important to ensure that it will be accepted by ASIC. If you don’t, your company name may be rejected.
Identical and existing names
Your proposed name cannot be identical to an existing business or company name. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, for example, if the company with the identical name is a proposed member of the new company.
This rule applies nationally. Since May 2012, you cannot register a company name if it is identical to a registered business name in another Australian State or Territory.
You can only register your company name if it contains certain characters. You can see the full list of acceptable characters on the ASIC Website.
For example, characters 0 – 9 and A – Z are acceptable. There are also some symbols which are acceptable, such as exclamation marks and parenthesis. However, others such as question marks are not.
Restricted terms
There are some terms which you cannot include in your company name. Two of these include the words ‘Bank’ and ‘Royal. The reason that these words are not eligible is that they may mislead consumers as to the company’s activities. ASIC can also refuse registration if it believes that the term is offensive or it suggests illegal activity. For a full list of the restricted terms ASIC will reject, check out ASIC’s Restrict Terms
The company name must show its legal status
Your company’s name must include its legal status. For example, If you are registering a company with a limited liability structure the company name must include ‘Limited Liability’.
Amanda wants to name her new consulting company ‘Clever Consulting.’ However, ASIC will not accept this name unless it shows its legal status. As Amanda’s business is going to be a proprietary limited company, it will officially be named ‘Clever Consulting Pty Ltd‘.
It is possible to reserve your company name if you do not wish to register it at the moment, subject to ASIC approval. If approved, the ASIC will reserve the name for two months.
How to check if my company name is available
You have just selected that name that you believe fits the vision and aims of your business. The next step in the process is to make sure that your selected company name is available for registration.
This is an essential process since you cannot register a name that is identical or similar to an existing name. It is also important to note that some terms are restricted from being registered. Checking the availability of your proposed company name can be done through the following resources:
Our Company Namecheck
Lawpath offers a Company Namecheck which is linked to ASIC which allows you to check your proposed company name.If the name you intend to register is available you can continue with your application using LawPath’s company registration.
ASIC Connect Name Availability Search
The Australian Securities and Investment Commission provide the ASIC Connect Name Availability Search that will show if your intended company name is available for registration.
Next Steps
Once you have selected an appropriate name and your proposed company name is available it’s time to register a company. Lawpath offers an online company registration that is quick and easy. We also have a range of bundles and additional services to help protect your new company from the get go.