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How to Start Your Own Coffee Shop

Starting your own coffee shop can be not only financially rewarding, but also fun. The little pick me up your customers purchase do a lot to make their day brighter. There are definitely some stressful aspects to this though, as with any kind of self employment. In this article, we’ll outline the steps you can take to start your own coffee shop.

Do the research

It should go without saying that research is key. You need to visit other coffee shops who have a similar vibe or decor to what you envision. This gives you an idea of how big of a space you will need, how many customers come in and what the peak hours are. All of which gives you an idea of fit out costs, wages you’ll have to pay, and supplies you’ll have to have on hand.

Also check out the areas you are considering opening up your coffee shop. Ideally, you don’t want too much other competition in the same area, but 1 or 2 other coffee shops is usually a good indication of a healthy, vibrant and modern suburb. Anywhere near train stations, and bus stops are also a great idea. You’ll be able to catch all the commuters on their way to and from work. They’ll need to stop by somewhere to get their morning or afternoon coffee fix.

Shop around for your supplies

A well organised and reliable supplier is just one of the many important components of a successful coffee shop. If your suppliers are late with deliveries and you cannot give your customers what they need, you’ll risk a bad reputation and potentially very angry customers. Shop around, ask questions and check Google for some suppliers to start. Call, email or even visit them in person to see their stock, transportation capabilities and how well they know their own products.

Coffee is a natural product that we ingest, so you cannot risk unhealthy produce or tainted ones either. If anybody gets sick or some sort of allergic reaction to anything you could be liable for thousands or millions as compensation.

Also consider going green. Brands, restaurants and even designers that have an environmentally friendly aspect in their ethos always sees loyal customers. If you decide to cater to vegans and vegetarians, this loyalty will only grow. This is because they will know that your products and ingredients are safe for them to eat or drink.

Get organised

Before you actually start this coffee shop, there are some less than fun administration duties you must complete. These include writing up the business plan, registering your business, and choosing a business structure.

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Luckily, the Australian Government has many great sources to help you get started on all of these topics. These are a fantastic and free way to get an idea of all the paperwork you need to do before actually trading. If you prefer someone to give you in depth advice and recommendations, an experienced business lawyer can certainly do that for you.

Hire the right people

Finding the right people for your business is crucial for any business, no matter what line of work you’re in. Often when you’re in a customer service based business, the right attitude and hospitable approach is more important than skills. After all, any skills and knowledge can be learned but the right people skills is hard to come by.

You’ll need to research what the award rates are, tax regulations and superannuation requirements.


To sum up, starting your own coffee shop will give you the independence of working for yourself, and bringing in a decent income. The research you do will prepare you for most obstacles and help you map out how you will get your business off the ground.

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