1 Know Your Audience
Firstly, if you know your audience, you can create Facebook ads that capture their attention. Some factors to consider:
- What is your audience interested in?
- Who are your competitors?
- What persona does your customer have?
- How old are your customers?
- What social habits does your customer have?
In general, knowing these factors will make it easier to ensure your ad appears in front of the right people. Within Facebook Ads Manager, you can find tools to assist you to find the answers to these questions.
2 Create Visually Appealing Content
Try using a photograph or drawing. Alternatively, you can use a video of GIF to demonstrate your product. This will help your ad do better and be more memorable.
3 Include a Call to Action
A “Call to Action” is where an ad asks the customer to do something. For example, a fashion label might include a call to action saying “Click here to view our new collection” or a sandwich shop might say “Click here for 50% off sandwiches.” A call to action is a powerful way of ensuring that your audience doesn’t just scroll by your ad, and actually clicks through. Try and just include one call to action per ad, in order to keep customers focused.
4 Create A Multi-Product Ad
You can use Facebook’s Power Editor to create an ad that displays multiple products or services. This will help you engage your customer as they swipe through the various products you sell, or services you offer.
5 Test Different Ads
In the beginning, it is useful to try different types of ads to see what sticks. For example, your audience might be more attracted to a certain image or video over another. Once you see the data you can make changes accordingly.
5 Monitor and Evolve Your Ads
Use data to monitor whether your ads are leading to increased engagement. You can switch photos, videos and other content around in order to re-engage people.
6 Use Simple Language
If you use simple language, it is more likely that your audience will understand the ad. This will help make sure that your customers don’t just scroll, but click through.
When you’re starting a new business or trying to grow your audience, making the most of Facebook Ads is a crucial part of the process. The above list is just a start of the many ways you can make the most of your Facebook ads.