Key points
- Read this guide to find out how To write A business plan
- A business plan helps you stay on track when starting your business
- It also allows you to plan for the future
- You can update your plan if/when your circumstances change
Do you value the success of your business? A business plan is essentially your answers to a list of comprehensive questions. A good question to ask is, ‘where do you want your business to go?’ A business plan creates direction from the outset. Plus, it is also a common requirement when seeking finance. In this guide, you can find out how you can write a business plan.
What to include in your business plan
Company Analysis
This outlines the strengths of what your company offers, this may be present products or services as well as how these can be developed in the future. Future products and service offered may be outlined.
Competitive Analysis
This is an important step as knowing who your competitors are and what their key strengths and weaknesses will give your business a competitive edge. It forces you to think about what areas will you have or gain competitive advantage? Think about how to do so. A SWOT analysis of your competitors is beneficial at this stage.
Customer Analysis
It is essential to have this in mind who are your target customers? What are their needs, wants and demographic? This affects your profit margins and growth it is important to understand the psychology of your customers.
Marketing Plan
Conduct a market analysis. Target your audience. What promotional and marketing campaigns will you use? How will you price your products or services? What market position do you want for these?
Operations and Management plan
An operations and management plan is important for the daily function of your business. Define your action plan. At this point have a 12 month and 5 month direction for your business, what are your goals at each of these milestone years?
Financial Plan
What is the required funding (external) to build your company ? Where will the funds be invested? What is the projected revenue for the next 12 months and next 5 years? What assets are necessary for your business to acquire?
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Get startedNext steps
When you have completed your business plan it is important to consider the following
- Reflect and re-examine. It is important to regularly go over your business plan to ensure you can keep that core focus on a day to day basis and that projects reflect the direction you want your business to head in. It is also important to review the plan to amend any strategies that occur.
- Share your business goals with employees so they can keep this in mind while trying to make targets. However your business plan is essentially the business blueprint and you want to keep this confidential.