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Top 10 Documents Used in the eCommerce Industry

The eCommerce industry has seen strong growth for years, with it reaching new heights in 2020. From purchasing clothing to homewares, almost everything can be bought online these days. Here, we’ll outline to 10 most popular documents used in the eCommerce industry, from essential website documents to customer policies.

1. Website Terms and Conditions of Use (Goods)

A Website Terms and Conditions of Use (Goods) document outlines your business’s terms and conditions, in addition to terms for the use of your website. Your terms and conditions will cover delivery, payment and your returns policy, whilst your terms of use will explain to visitors to your website what conduct is and is not acceptable on your site.

2. Privacy Policy

A Privacy Policy states what information your website will collect from users, and also outlines how that information will be used. This includes who the information will be passed on to and whether the information will be sent overseas. A Privacy Policy also includes clauses setting out the security and storage of personal information and whether your website uses cookies and/or supports third party sites. Further, many online providers such as Google and Facebook require businesses to have a Privacy Policy in order to use their services.

3. Refund Policy

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) outlines the rights have consumers have when it comes to receiving refunds and exchanges for products purchased. These laws also apply to good sold in the eCommerce industry. A Refund Policy allows you to customise your refunds process and also informs customers what the rules are.

4. Shipping Policy

One of the reasons eCommerce has become so popular is the convenience of ordering a product online and having it delivered right to your doorstep. However, getting this products out to the consumer means you need to have an effective shipping process. A Shipping Policy will inform customers the terms related to shipping your items including costs, processing time, locations and tracking. Further, it will outline your process for dealing with missing or lost parcels.

5. Email Disclaimer

Unfortunately, once you send an email there’s no way to un-send it. To help mitigate the risks that arise from sending an email to the wrong recipient, an Email Disclaimer minimises your liability. This applies to emails that are sent to the wrong recipients, contain opinion, or have errors.

6. Partnership Agreement

A partnership is one of the three main business structures in Australia. Partners in a partnership however, are legally and financially responsible for the business. A Partnership Agreement sets out the terms of your partnership to avoid any disputes arising further down the line.

7. GDPR Privacy Policy

A GDPR Privacy Policy is similar to a Privacy Policy, except that it also complies with laws in the European Union (EU). All businesses which operate in the EU need to have a Privacy Policy on their website. If your business sells to customers within the EU or has a presence there, having this Policy is essential.

8. Cookie Policy

Cookies are a common way that websites can collect and remember information about a user. Most websites use cookies to store information, making the user experience more convenient. If you use cookies on your website, it’s wise to inform visitors how your cookies work. A Cookie Policy also explains how third parties can use this information and options for consenting to the use of cookies.

9. Non-Disclosure Agreement (One Way)

This type of NDA only applies to the person or business you issue it to. In a Non-Disclosure Agreement (One Way), the business discloses the information to another party and the party that receives the information agrees not to disclose the information.

10. Partnership Agreement (Long Form)

This version of a Partnership Agreement is in extended form. Along with setting out the terms of your partnership, this document will go into further detail around salaries, shares, and the rights of each partner.

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